Your Holistic Doctors

Dr. Kateri Porto

Dr. Garrett Ezell

Primary Care Physicians*

Naturopathic Medical Doctor


Chiropractic Physicians 

*Chiropractic Physicians are considered Primary Care Doctors, according to the Illinois Medical Practice act.  The Act in no way defines nor restricts the types of ailments or conditions which may or may not be treated by chiropractic physicians.  Furthermore it clarifies that chiropractic physicians are not prohibited from advising the use of non-prescription products.

  • Functional Medicine
  • Internal & Physical Medicine
  • Acute and Chronic Conditions
  • Lifestyle & Diet Counseling 
  • Functional Nutrition
  • 5 Element Acupuncture
  • Lymphatic Balancing
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Craniopathy

  • Botanical Medicine
  • Supplement Rx
  • Spinal manipulative therapy
  • Visceral Manipulation
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Physical therapies
  • Rehabilitation Exercise
  • Emotional supportive therapy
  • Energetic medicine
  • TeleHealth services
  • and much more!

Imagine that you were working with a Holistic Medical Team who could help you resolved your health problems.  Even better, imagine that the members of this team are working together, and they truly understand each others specialty and how combining their expertise can help you.  Would you not feel like you were in good hands and getting the best of all of the health care fields? 

If this is the kind of healthcare you've been searching for, then you need to be under the care of The Holistic Doctors

Dr. Kateri Porto & Dr. Garrett Ezell, are truly Holistic, Primary Care Physicians, highly skilled in the modern art and science of personalized healing. They are the only doctors who know how to artfully integrate dozens of modern, complementary, and alternative diagnostic tools and therapy modalities in a treatment style that is as unique as you are! 

These Holistic Physicians approach all facets of your health by giving special attention to the biochemical, musculoskeletal, neurological, vascular, emotional, energetic, spiritual and environmental relationships that play a role in affecting your health.  Their goal to go beyond the treatment of injuries and restore optimum health and energy. 

A combination of non-invasive diagnostic and  healing modalities provide the necessary information and building blocks for the body to reconstruct itself. Dr. Kateri Porto and Dr. Garrett Ezell can also determine and facilitate correction of emotional and addictive behaviors which are major impediments to your healing process.  The more we bring our own spirit-mind-body into harmony the more we can positively affect and change the world around us. Our inner world affects our outer world.

Dr. Porto works with Garrett Ezell DC PC, and this professional corporation is currently in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, specifically:

  1. BCBS PPO Professional Network.
  2. BCBS Blue Choice PPO
We are not in network with HMOs, nor other insurance companies, and we have opted out of MediCare. 

If you do not have this insurance, you can still become a patient of ours:

We accept cash paying patients.  Those who do not have insurance, and those who are members of another insurance provider.  You will need to pay for your visits at the time of service.


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