Chronic Ailments

The following chronic ailments are some of the more common reactions to cytotoxic exposures. This list is compiled from detailed medical records covering thousands of patients since 1930. These reactions are often removed by avoiding items, and can be returned by re-exposing yourself.

There are some other causes for the following symptoms; however, cytotoxic reactions and related hidden food and chemical allergies are the most common and should be the first area tested. It is possible to have some food allergies and not have recognizable symptoms.
If you have had or are having one or more of the following symptoms, it may get worse during the first week as you go through withdrawal. Some symptoms leave slowly, some fluctuate, some leave rapidly.


Headache, sinus headache, migraine headache, faintness, dizziness, feeling of fullness in the head, etc.

Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat
Dark circles under the eyes, swelling around the eyes, pain in eyes, watery eyes, red bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, blurring of vision, runny nose, stuffy nose, bloody nose, excessive mucous formation, hay fever, sneezing, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, recurrent ear infections, itching ear, ear drainage, sore throats, swollen tonsils, frequent "colds", chronic cough, gagging & canker sores, itching of the roof of the mouth, recurrent sinusitis, etc.

Heart and Lungs
Palpitations, decreased heart rate, low blood pressure, rapid heart rate (tachycardia), asthma, congestion in the chest, yawning, hoarseness, etc.

Damaged and killed white blood cells, low white blood cell count, damaged or killed blood cells, blood sludging (rouleaux formation), low red blood cell count, enlarged red blood cells, platelet clumping, low percentage of segmented neutrophils (one type of white blood cell), increased eosinophils and basophils (types of white blood cells), low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), high blood sugar, diabetes, increased blood enzyme levels (LDH, SGOT, and SGPT), high acid level of the blood (causing loss of bone calcium and mineral loss from organs and tissues), etc.

Low thyroid levels, low testosterone levels, depressed pancreatic activity (thus low alkaline production and low digestive enzyme production), depressed or excessive sexual drive, decreased adrenal function, menstrual irregularities, pain, etc.

Bleeding gums, sore tongue, coated tongue, bad breath, cracked lips, swollen tips, ulcerations, loose teeth, etc.

Stomach ache, acid indigestion, continually swollen stomach, cramps, ulcers, nausea, vomiting, bloating after meals, heartburn, belching, spastic colitis, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, flatulence (passing gas), feeling of fullness in the stomach long after finishing a meal, diarrhea, constipation, rectal mucous, abdominal cramps, appendicitis, malabsorption, etc.

Hives, rashes, dandruff, hair loss, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, pallor, pimples, acne, dark circles under eyes, bags under eyes, etc.

Other symptoms
Chronic fatigue, chronic muscle fatigue, sleepy after meals, insomnia, compulsive eating, overweight, fear of eating, malabsorption, underweight, weakness, muscle aches and pains, muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis, twitching, stiffness, joint aches and pains, arthritis; swelling of the hands, feet or ankles; phlebitis, cold hands and feet, restless leg syndrome (continuous movement), urinary tract symptoms (pain, frequency, night urination, bed wetting), cystitis, kidney failure (nephrosis), rectal itching, vaginal inflammation, sea sickness, motion sickness, chills, sweats, thirsty after meals, back pain, etc.

Anxiety, excessive talking, fear, depression, crying, aggressive behavior, delusions, hallucinations, schizophrenia, irritability, mental dullness, poor concentration, poor self-control, poor memory, mental lethargy, confusion, excessive daydreaming, juvenile and adult hyperactivity, juvenile and adult delinquency, seizures, epilepsy, restlessness, learning disabilities, poor work habits, slurred speech, stuttering, inability to concentrate, indifference, poor coordination, compulsive behavior, anorexia nervosa, continuing desire for tobacco or alcohol, drug addiction, being highly stressed, sluggish in the morning, etc.

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