Forrest Yoga Breath*Strength Integrity*Spirit*Go Deep

Forrest Yoga is renowned as an intensely physical and internally focused practice that emphasizes how to carry a transformative experience off the mat and into daily life.  The practice challenges students to access their whole being and to use Forrest Yoga as a path to finding and then cleansing the emotional and mental blocks that dictate and limit their lives.  Students cultivate an acute awareness of their own practice and life process, creating a unique and powerful opportunity for them to make practical life decisions based on their own experiences.


Ana T. Forrest developed Forrest Yoga as she was working through her own healing.  She took poses and modified or created new ones to address today’s lifestyle physical ailments.

For example, the ailments that our bodies are manifesting due to our lifestyle – lower and upper back pain, neck and shoulder issues, carpal tunnel syndrome, intestinal disorders.

We also crave and need challenge, adventure and a daily diet of delight.  In her own healing quest, Ana recognized her loss of Spirit.  Something she now sees in others – this modern day sense of bereft Spirit.  Through Forrest Yoga you get your physical health and strength and also a place in which to welcome your Spirit back home.  And by this Ana does not mean a spiritual practice but rather being your authentic self.

Forrest Yoga does not require strength or flexibility; it only requires a willingness to learn how to feel authentically and respond honestly. The practice is founded on four pillars -- Breath, Strength, Integrity and Spirit.


Learn how to breathe deeply, connect in feeling with your body, use the power of breath to bring aliveness into every cell of your body and ignite your passion for living.


Connect to your core, to be strong and centered. The intense pose sequences are designed to help you develop the skills to awaken each of your senses. The long holds help you progress in the poses and go deeper. Aided by the use of heat, your body is freed from toxins; the deep breathing  oxygenates and rejuvenates every cell in your body.


Become proficient at safely tailoring each pose to work best for you, particularly with physical and emotional injuries. By learning to work honestly at your edges, you develop effective tools to deal with fear and struggle. This makes it possible for integrity, self-awareness and playful curiosity to become part of your daily life.


Create a sense of freedom, a connection to your Spirit and the courage to walk as your Spirit dictates.

Forrest Yoga:

  • teaches you to go deeper to find your truth, and encourages you to take these gifts you have earned beyond the mat and into the rest of your life.
  • honors and celebrates the beauty of life and the power of Spirit. It is an inspiring yoga practice that builds flexibility, intelligence and strength while helping deepen the relationship with your authentic self. Accessing your intuition - the voice of your Spirit - builds personal strength and ushers integrity into your daily interactions.
  • challenges you to heal, grow and welcome your Spirit home.


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