
Dr. Kateri Porto and Dr. Garrett Ezell are Holistic Doctors who integrate Naturopathic Medicine, Chiropractic Medicine, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, and modern Pharmacology as both science and art.  They are both experts in the field of Professional Applied Kinesiology--this involves mastery of muscles and joints, nutritional biochemistry, pharmacologic toxicology, functional neurology, physical therapy, emotional psychology, and the acupuncture meridian system above and beyond basic medical training.

In addition to Dr. Kateri Porto's medical degrees, she also holds an Honors Bachelors of Science with specialization in the areas of Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Nutrition, and Psychology as it relates to human health and movement.  She is an expert Rock Climber, Elite Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, and long time international Yoga Teacher.  Dr. Garrett Ezell holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He Has been an Elite Gymnast, Baseball Pitcher, and Group Dance & Fitness Instructor.  He is currently a Rhythm and Movement Specialist, and Dr. Porto's co-treating Physician.

These Holistic Doctors have spent their entire lives in pursuit of optimal health.  They both continue to pursue healing through combining their professional pursuits and hobbies with meditation and creative contemplation of the Heart.  In their office, they integrate every tool of the senses to promote Immune System prioritization and healing of the Spirit and Psyche.  Through their diverse skills and sensitivities, they bring a very unique and in-depth experience to their holistic medical practice and to their specialty classes and workshops.

Dr. Kateri Porto's Accomplishments, Education, Certifications, and Training 

Postgraduate Education

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Dec 2012

Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, April 2010

Acupuncturist, Certified 300 hours, April 2010

National University of Health Science, Illinois, USA

NUHS Scholarships

  • NUHS Canadian Scholarships: 3 per year 2006 - 2012
  • Colonel Sanders Scholarship: Spring 2008
  • Alumni Association Scholarships: Summer 2007, Fall 2007
  • National Chiropractic College Scholarship: Spring 2007
NUHS Teaching Positions
  • Thorne Research Inc. Education Representative: 2009-2012
  • Allied Health Science Faculty 2007-2009
  • Clinical Science Teaching Assistant, Adjustment technique: Summer 2006 - Fall 2010

Undergraduate Education

Bachelor of Science, Honors, Human Kinetics, June 2002

University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

U of G Scholarships

  • Canadian Millennium Scholarship: Fall 2001
  • U of G Scholarship: Fall 1997, Winter 1998, Winter 2000, Fall 2000, Winter 2001, Fall 2001, Winter 2002
U of G Health & Fitness Certifications
  • Spinning Group Cycling Instructor, Aug 2005
  • Group Fitness Instructor, Aug 2002
  • Master & Elite Personal Trainer, May 2001
  • Fitness Consultant & Fitness Appraiser,  March 1998
  • Weight Training Supervisor, Jan 1996

Professional Accomplishments

International Alliance of Healthcare Educators Teaching Assistant

International Alliance of Healthcare Practitioners, West Palm Springs, FL
  • Qualified to Assist: CS-I & UMAC1

Certified Professional Applied Kinesiologist (PAK)

International College of Applied Kinesiology, USA

  • 100 hrs Basic Certification PAK w/ Dr. A. Zatkin 2007
  • 40 hrs Muscle Testing Technique Certification w/ PAK 2007
  • 533 hrs Basic PAK w/ Dr. T. Francis 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012
  • 111 hrs Intermediate PAK w/ Dr. T. Francis 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012
  • 71 hrs Advanced PAK w/ Dr. T. Francis 2013 (Total Kinesiology)
  • 43 hrs Basic PAK w/ Dr. D. Leaf 2009
  • 345 hrs Quintessential Applications Intermediate PAK Certification w/ Dr. W. Schmitt & Dr. K. McCord, 2010-2011
  • 40 hrs Basic PAK w/ Dr. J. Hogg 2010
  • 33 hrs Advanced PAK w/ Dr. M. Lebowitz 2011, 2013
  • 80 hrs PAK education @ ICAK-USA Annual Meetings, 2011, 2013, 2014
Diplomate American Clinical Board of Nutrition (DACBN) *candidate

  • Competency: biochemistry and physiology of nutrition; nutrient characteristics, functions, and metabolism; diagnostic evaluation in clinical nutrition; geriatrics; infancy, adolescence, pregnancy and lactation
  • General management of disease: oral cavity, GI tract, cardiovascular-pulmonary disease, urogenital system, diabetes and hypoglycemia; musculoskeletal disorders, fever and infections, blood disorders, endocrine/metabolic disorders; cancer; weightloss; bariatrics, and obesity; trauma; nutrition and the physiology of stress; management of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Nutrient-drug-nutrient interactions
  • Radiographic/advanced imaging diagnosis of metabolic disorders
  • Herbs, botanicals, homeopathy
  • Longevity and nutrition
NeuroEmotional Technique (NET)
NET, Inc. Vista, CA
  • NET Basics w/ Drs. Deborah Walker & Clint Demaris May 2013
  • 5 months extra Intermediate & Advanced private study with Elite NET practitioner in clinical setting 
Total Body Modification (TBM)

  • NeuroSomatic Programming w/ Dr. Sandra Fico Nov 2011
  • TBM-I w/ Dr. Kevin Millet 2013
  • TBM-II w/ Dr. Kevin Millet 2013
  • TBM-III w/ Dr. Kevin Millet 2013
Cranio Sacral (CS), Somato Emotional Release (SER), & Unwinding the Meridians: Acupuncture Applications (UMAC)

The Upledger Institute, West Palm Springs, FL
Visceral Manipulation (VM)

The Barral Institute, West Palm Springs, FL
Lymphatic Drainage/Balancing (LB)

D'Ambrogio Institute, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Certified in Physiotherapy

National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, USA
  • Certificate of Attainment, Physiotherapy, Physiological Therapeutics, March 2010

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), USA

  • Myofascial Intervention Series Part 1: Introduction to Myofascial Techniques, Dr. Scott Cheatham, June 2022
  • Myofascial Intervention Series Part 2: Myofascial Rolling, Dr. Scott Cheatham, Oct 2022
  • How to Best Utilize Core Exercise Progressions, Dr. Marty Miller & Wendy Batts, Nov 2022
Certificates in Evidence Based Clinical Nutrition

Brain Health
  • Iron in Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Disease, Sept 2021

Cancer Prevention

  • Reducing the Risk of Breast Cancer: It's Up to You, Sept 2021
  • Colorectal Cancer Awareness and Prevention, Sept 2021
  • Colon Cancer: overview and Potential Impact of Nutrition, Sept 2021
  • Current Recommendations for Nutrition and Cancer: A Closer Look, Sept 2021
  • Dairy Consumption, Risk of Breast and Other Cancers in the Adventist Health Study, Sept 2021

Cardiovascular Health

  • Bringing Cardiovascular Prevention Into Clinical Practice, Oct 2021
  • COVID-19: Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Racial Differences in Mortality: What is the Role of Prevention, Jan 2022
  • Heart Failure and Nutrition, Jan 2022

Certificates in Functional Medicine & Nutrition (Advanced training)

  • Fundamentals of Functional Blood Chemistry, Apex Energetics, Dr. Thomas Culleton, June 2016 
  • Food Sensitivity: The Hormone Connection, Apex Energetics, Dr. Lucas Gafken, Oct 2016
  • Food Allergies & Sensitivities in the New Millennium, Apex Energetics, Dr. Joshua Redd, May 2017
  • Gluten, Leaky Gut, Autoimmune Connection, Apex Energetics, Dr. Joshua Redd, July 2018
  • Neuroendocrine Immunology of Environmental Triggers, Apex Energetics, Dec 2018 
  • Fibromyalgia Global Pain & Fatigue Disorders, Designs for Health, Dr. David Brady, June 2017
  • Health Nutrition Supplements, Life Time University, May 2024

Inclusion, Unconscious Bias & Cultural Sensitivity Certifications

  • Cultural Sensitivity, Life Time University, June 2020
  • Unconscious Bias, Life Time University, Sept 2020
  • Inclusion, Equity, & Diversity, Life Time University, Oct 2020
  • Inclusion Ambassador, Life Time University, Nov 2020
  • Inclusive Leadership, Life Time University, Jan 2021
  • Inclusion, Equity & Diversity for Leaders, LTU, April 2021
  • Inclusion, Equity & Diversity for Team Members, LTU, April 2021
  • Inclusion Life Time Approach Employee Relations, LTU, Aug 2021
  • Inclusive Meetings, Life Time University, Oct 2021
  • Inclusive Language & Communication, LTU, Nov 2021
  • Conflict Resolution, Life Time University, Nov 2021
  • Gender Pronouns, Life Time University, Nov 2021
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, May 2022, June 2023, July 2023
  • Bystander Intervention Training, Nov 2022, July 2023, May 2024
  • Human Capital: Caring About Direct Reports, LTU, March 2023
  • Business Acumen: Dealing with Paradox, LTU, March 2023
  • Children & Family Services: Mandated Reporter Training, June 2023
  • Anti-Bullying Training for Employees, Dec 2023

Work Place Safety Certifications

  • ServeSafe Alcohol Certification, Life Time University, July 2021
  • Work Place Violence Warning Sign Awareness, May 2021
  • Hazard Communication & GHS Training, May 2021
  • Data Privacy & Information Security, Oct 2022
  • Cyber Security Fundamentals, Oct 2022
  • Cyber Security Mobile Devices, Oct 2022
  • Safety Responsibility, Oct 2022
  • Emergency Response Tips, Oct 2022
  • First Aid Response, Oct 2022
Yoga & Meditation Mind-Body Certifications
  • Alignment-based Hatha Yoga 200 hrs Teacher Training, Dec 2008
  • Yin Yoga & Anatomy 30 hrs w/ Paul Grilley, CYC 2007
  • Vinyasa: Guided format, Life Power Yoga, 2017
  • Hatha-Vinyasa: Root format, Life Power Yoga, 2018
  • Restorative & Meditation: Be format, Life Power Yoga, 2018
  • Yin Yoga: Surrender format, Life Power Yoga, 2018
  • Sanskrit, Chakras & The Yoga Sutras Unraveled 13 hrs, Prairie Yoga Center w/ Nicolai Bachman Nov 2018
  • Advanced Yoga training w/world renowned Ashtanga, Iyengar, Kundalini, Anusara, Forrest, Core Power, Life Power, Para, Soma, Therapeutic, Yin, Kripalu, and Kryia Master Instructors since 2000.
  • 21+ years of personal private study in meditation & the yogic arts
  • Kundalini Yoga Diploma 150 hrs with Distinction, Center of Excellence, Oct 2021
  • Qigong Instructor Diploma 150 hrs with Distinction, Center of Excellence, *in progress
Pilates Mind-Body Fitness Certifications
  • Pilates Instructor Diploma 150 hrs with Distinction, Center of Excellence, July 2021
  • Caffeinated "Energized" Pilates Course 1 credit hour w/ June Kahn, IDEA Health & Fitness Association, May 2022.
  • Progressive Pilates Course 2 credit hours w/ June Kahn, IDEA Health & Fitness Association, May 2022.
  • High Roller: Pilates on Foam Roller Course 1 credit hour w/ Abbie Appel, National Academy of Sports Medicine, Oct 2022.

Barre Mind-Body Fitness Certifications

  • Barre Fundamentals, Life Barre, Life University, February 2022
  • EnBarre, Life Barre, Life University, February 2022
  • Make Your Barre Class a HIIT w/ Tricia Murphy-Madden, IDEA Health & Fitness Association, June 2022
  • Burn, Blast, Breathe, & Bliss at the Barre w/Jessie DeHaven, NASM, Nov 2022
  • Life Barre: Classic, Fusion, Strength, Core, Life University, Feb 2024

Personal Training & Group Fitness Certifications

  • Weight Training Supervisor, U of G Athletics, Jan 1996
  • Fitness Consultant, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, March 1998
  • Personal Trainer, Elite designation, U of G Athletics, April 2002
  • Group Fitness Instructor, U of G Athletics, August 2002
  • Spinning Group Cycling Instructor, U of G Athletics, August 2005
  • Group Fitness Instructor: 5 star, Life University, February 2017
  • ARORA: Training Seniors: Life University, Sept 2022, Jan 2024
Trained Reiki Practitioner
  • Reiki Level 1 at Soderworld Wellness Academy 2008
  • Reiki Level 2 at Soderworld Wellness Academy 2008
  • Sacred Geometry Diploma 150 hrs with Distinction, Center of Excellence, Aug 2021
Ordained Minister

  • Reverend of The Universal Life Church, Modesto, CA, Nov 2010.
Life Saving Certifications


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