The Holistic Doctors

Dr. Kateri Porto & Dr. Garrett Ezell, are truly Holistic, Primary Care Physicians, highly skilled in the modern art and science of personalized healing.


Are you having trouble maintaining your balance? 

Here are a couple of possible reasons why:

-Lower Body/ Core Muscle Injuries - Small amounts of micro trauma to the muscle that hasn’t healed could reduce muscle function. Until these muscle injuries are treated, you will continue to struggle to maintain your balance.

-Too Low on Nervous System Nutrition - A number of B-vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids contribute to optimal nervous system function. Until you replenish your body with the correct nutrient needed for Your nervous system to function better, maintaining balance will be difficult.

-Small Intestine Microbial Problems - Inflammation due to microbial imbalances in the small intestine might cause dysfunctional Core Muscle tone. Until you remove the pathogenic bacteria/fungus/parasite that is disrupting nervous system function, staying balanced might feel impossible!

-Chaotic Mental State - When your mind is thinking of too many things at once, quality of physical coordination goes down. Guided meditations can help to Quiet your Mind, and help you to focus on mastering one movement at a time.

Contact your Holistic Physician to get started on improving Your Balance!

Are you having trouble maintaining your balance?

Here are a couple of possible reasons why:

-Lower Body/ Core Muscle Injuries - Small amounts of micro trauma to the muscle that hasn’t healed could reduce muscle function. Until these muscle injuries are treated, you will continue to struggle to maintain your balance.

-Too Low on Nervous System Nutrition - A number of B-vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids contribute to optimal nervous system function. Until you replenish your body with the correct nutrient needed for Your nervous system to function better, maintaining balance will be difficult.

-Small Intestine Microbial Problems - Inflammation due to microbial imbalances in the small intestine might cause dysfunctional Core Muscle tone. Until you remove the pathogenic bacteria/fungus/parasite that is disrupting nervous system function, staying balanced might feel impossible!

-Chaotic Mental State - When your mind is thinking of too many things at once, quality of physical coordination goes down. Guided meditations can help to Quiet your Mind, and help you to focus on mastering one movement at a time.

Contact your Holistic Physician to get started on improving Your Balance!

Posted 56 weeks ago

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