Yoga Training with Dr. Kateri Porto

 "From the attainment of that perfected posture, there arises an unassailable, unimpeded freedom" ~Yoga Sutra 2.48

A powerful method of hatha yoga is taught which integrates biomechanical principles of alignment with the celebration of the heart and spirit. This yoga class is inspired by alignment based functional exercise and yoga principles, as it offers a dynamic synthesis of asana technique, yoga philosophy, and the celebration of good company.

This class is for you if:

  • you desire to challenge your edge and refine your yoga practice
  • you want to evolve your ability and understanding of breath technique and optimal alignment principles of standing, seated, supine, prone, and balancing postures
  • you desire a new found ease in difficult poses
  • you want to know how to modulate the intensity in a posture when attending any class, without deviating from the routine or distracting other students
  • you are open to practicing with students of all levels but is best suited for those with previous knowledge.

Are You New to Yoga?

If you have never tried yoga, you rarely practice yoga, or you don't know what "downward dog" or "cobra" means, it is best if you gather experience with intro or beginner classes first.


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